Connecting to VPN with FIDO Security keys using TOTPRadius FIDO-VPN Interface
Multi-factor authentication for VPN systems, such as Meraki Client VPN or Fortinet VPN will be possible using FIDO Security keys, both FIDO2 and U2F.
product updates totpradius
Two Factor Authentication in VMware Horizon View with TOTPRadius
VMware Horizon View enables you to access a virtual desktop from anywhere, anytime.
integration guides
Hardware tokens for PayPal Two-Factor Authentication
Until around 2019, PayPal offered two-factor authentication security via SMS only. And while SMS 2FA is better than no 2FA at all, users wanted better protection. Now you can secure your PayPal account with a hardware token, by using Token2 programmable hardware token as a drop-in replacement of mobile authenticator apps.
integration guides
Hardware tokens for Zoom Two-Factor Authentication
In a recent blog post, Zoom announced the launch of two-factor authentication for all users. With this feature, Zoom attempts to protect the users from potential security breaches.
integration guides
Molto-2 is coming
About a year ago, we released Token2 Molto-1, the world's first programmable multi-profile hardware token. While Molto-1 is still the only solution of its kind currently available on the market, we will be soon releasing a new variation of a multi-profile hardware token, in a different form-factor and with a different set of features available.
new product
Provisioning programmable hardware tokens for Office 365 accounts remotely
Many customers are asking about the best practices on provisioning the programmable hardware tokens in situations when end-users are working remotely and cannot burn the tokens themselves, so IT support has to take care of the burning process. To remind, using programmable hardware tokens is the only way to have a hardware token for MFA if the user is not licensed for Azure AD Premium.
integration guides
How to bulk activate OATH hardware tokens with Azure MFA
Token2 has developed a solution to automate the activation of imported hardware tokens with Azure MFA.
integration guides
EVVIS-QR1 USB Programmable TOTP hardware token
Today, we are presenting a new type of TOTP hardware tokens — USB Programmable token that displays the OTP value as a QR code and also can send the current OTP value over USB as a part of its HID emulation feature.
new product
New integration guides published: Nextcloud and Fortinet
We have published integration guides for two popular products, Nextcloud and Fortinet
integration guides
New generation of Molto-1 device, now iOS compatible
Token2 Molto-1-i can now be configured and provisioned using iOS, in addition to Android and Windows.
product updates
TOTP Hardware tokens with ESET Secure Authentication
A detailed guide on how to use Token2 TOTP hardware tokens with ESET Secure Authentication solution was published.
integration guide
Independent Compliance Check by CertX AG
CertX is the first swiss accredited certification body for product certification in the scope of industrial cybersecurity and functional safety.
Use your FIDO2 device as a TOTP token with our Companion app
TOKEN2 Companion app is a tool to leverage the use of TOKEN2 FIDO2 security keys (second-generation only, T2F2-ALU, and T2F2-NFC) beyond classic U2F and standard FIDO2/WebAuthn functionality.
product updates
How to attach a token to a keyring
Although Token2 tokens in dongle/keyfob form factor do have a hole to attach to a keyring, it is not possible to attach a keyring directly to the token and this is by design and on purpose.
product updates
Our response to COVID-19
Free TOTPRadius client licenses - we will double your existing license at no cost
TOKEN2 NFC Burner — now on your iPhone
Our first iOS-compatible token (model reference: “C301-i”) is currently being beta-tested and will start selling in a couple of months.
newsproduct updates
TOKEN2 is now a member of Swiss Made Software
The swiss made software label is dedicated to promoting the Swiss software industry, both at home and abroad. It combines Swiss values such as quality, reliability and precision – especially in software development. To receive this label, companies must be
TOKEN2 Molto-1 , world's first multi-profile TOTP hardware token
Our new product- Token2 Molto-1 - will expand on our technology by now supporting up to 10 Time based One-Time Password (TOTP) profiles.
new product
New burner applications
Token2 NFC Burner applications with advanced configuration features and the possibility of burning longer seeds.
product updates
Token2 T2F2 FIDO2 and U2F Security Key
We are launching a new product category, FIDO security keys and the first product is a compact, lightweight and low-cost USB security key.
new product
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