PIN+ Series
If you're seeking top-tier security and ease of use,
the Token2 FIDO2 PIN+ is the key for you. Featured on the FIDOAlliance's website, it enforces firmware-level PIN complexity for enhanced protection. The key runs open-source firmware that has undergone a public security audit by a third-party. Additionally, the PIN+ series includes ed25519_sk support and a printed serial number for easier inventory management.
PIN+ Release2
Have a look at our PIN+ Release2 Series, now featuring an expanded storage capacity of 300 passkeys.
PIN+ Release2See it in action!
We created an online tool that emulates the complexity check implemented on our PIN+ firmware.Blog
Independent Public Security Review of Token2 PIN+ FIDO2 Security Keys
Compass Security Schweiz AG (Compass), a leading Swiss IT security firm, has conducted a comprehensive and independent public security review of the Token2 PIN+ FIDO2 Security Keys firmware.
Update on EUCLEAK Vulnerability and Chip Security
We want to assure you that we do not use Infineon chips, which are affected by the EUCLEAK side-channel attack recently identified by NinjaLabs. This attack exploits a vulnerability related to the extended Euclidean algorithm (EEA) used in modular inversion.
Reminder: Our management tools for FIDO2.1 Security Keys are Open Source!
Just a quick reminder: our FIDO2.1 Manager tool, your go-to solution for managing FIDO2 credentials securely, is fully open source! Both the Windows version, created with PowerShell, and a Linux (C++ and Python) version are available.